Has anyone tried or doing HIIT WORKOUTS? If so how long and how many days per week should I do? I started yesterday and love it. Has anyone seen results from it?
Started on this journey in March of last year, the weight started coming off quickly, about 10 pounds a month all the way until the end of October and then I slammed right into a damn wall. Haven't lost not even one pound. Plus side is I didn't gain either but until this morning that dirty little scale showed 4 pounds…
Hey everyone....I am so frustrated, but I am not giving up. I started last April and lost 60 pounds by October but then boom ran right into a wall and plateaued and been stuck since. Now it's almost 6 months without even a pound loss. I don't know what to do. I have tried everything I can think of. I was losing my hair in…
Hi I am looking for some friends on here who can help motivate me as I will help motivate them. I have list 60 pounds so far but still have much more to lose. Anyone interested?!
Hi everyone, I have a question I have been running about 5-8 miles , 6 times a week to lose weight. I have lst 20 pounds since April 8. Am I eventually going to have to up my exercise to keep losing? I'm worried when I plateau ( I know everyone eventually does) Any tips for when I do? I just don't want to have to keep…