Cracker Barrel calories?
Is there anywhere to get a nutrition analysis of Cracker Barrel menu items? There are a few calorie listings on the menu, website, etc. but I'd like a full listing. Most restaurants do this, but not CB. Maybe a "you don't really want to know" :)
I'm back :)
I was here last summer-I've come back because entering every morsel I eat keeps me focused :) I am a carb addict and hope to break my stress eating-of course I also eat when I'm bored, etc. Good luck to me, and all of you :)
Yet another "Eating back calories" Question
OK-I've been here three weeks-lost 7 lbs. Some good days, some cheating days :) So, it's 5 pm, and since I've walked an hour and am going to Zumba, how important is it that I eat another 795 calories tonight? Is it that bad to NOT eat back the calories or is it only a problem if it's done on a daily basis?