odd quirks
Everyone has them what are some of your odd quirks? My personal list: 1- I still will at the age of 22 ask for piggy back rides from some of my friends. I'm only 4'10" 160lbs so its very possible with some of my friends for me to get impromptu piggy back rides. 2- I require some form of light to sleep comfortably. Current…
medication/medical conditions/ and weight lose
I recently read the gastric bypass thread. It was equal turns fascinating and frustrating. Sure if the person is at an imminently life threatening size or have really good reasons I get it. At the same time I don't get it. I was born with adrenal hyperplasia , and I'm on a couple couple psych med for reasons that's aren't…
cardio work out help!
I'm currently trying to figure out a work out schedual for my self. Something pretty basic. Three days a week strength training for 30-45 mins a day with 10-15 mins of cardio on my strength days. Followed by two or three days of cardio for 30 min with 10-15 mins of strength training. I know what to do for the strength…
Healthy but not skinny
I noticed something in most females that want to get "healthy". When they say healthy the usually give the example of someone who is skinny. I'm sure that lots of people on here know that healthy doesn't always mean skinny. This has always been a pet peeve of mine with my generation( I'm 22) or people older then me. I'm 4…