medication/medical conditions/ and weight lose

I recently read the gastric bypass thread. It was equal turns fascinating and frustrating. Sure if the person is at an imminently life threatening size or have really good reasons I get it. At the same time I don't get it. I was born with adrenal hyperplasia , and I'm on a couple couple psych med for reasons that's aren't the business of people her. My adrenals themselves can make weight lose seem impossible to people other then me I'm sure. On top of that some of my meds cause weight gain and make losing weight rediculously hard. But I know its possible.

My lovely adrenals can make eating hard or make me feel like I haven't eaten at all that day when I have. I was on a med that worked for what I was taking it for but made my eating even more difficult. I told the my dr I needed to stop taking it for that reason.But at the same time I feel people whine to much like they're the only person with a medical problem making them have to try harder at weight loss are annoying. We all have things that make shedding pounds more difficult. Why complain?


  • lillith1991
    lillith1991 Posts: 70
    Honestly if I can lose weight the old fashioned way, then others can to. I understand exceptions to that way of thinking exists but that's life. Medical conditions that make being active till a person loses some weight not withstanding I just don't get the point of surgical intervention.

    Anyone else out there doing it the old fashioned way despite having medical problems or a medication that make it difficult?

    P.s- I'm not trying to insult those who had wls I'm just trying to connect with others who have similar issues that don't want to go that route.