Hi everyone I am ShaShauna a 37 year old married, mother of 3. Two years ago my son decided to come two months early putting both of us in danger. After that csection I have had the worst health issues that are not normal for csections he was my 3rd one and the only one that gave me so many problems. With that being said I…
Hey everyone I'm ShaShauna going on a cruise in August with my family. I had a baby in June 2009 then a month and a half later my father passed so I gained a lot of weight now that things are starting to be somewhat normal and I am performing again GOTTA lose the weight ANY suggestions or MOTIVATION would be great!!!!
I have been cooking for both my husband and I the same meals different ways. He is at NORMAL weight but wants to gain 10 lbs and I need to lose any body know of a cheaper way to do this LOL