Today is my last day of the alpha phase. Is anyone starting beta phase soon? If so please add me so that we could support each other if you like. P.s. I know I shoul be focusing on the next phase but if you have already finnished with beta, did you purshased the gamma dvds? And was it worth it?
May be I'm wrong but isn't burning the calories that one eats a good thing. I'm on a 1200 daily calories intake but I tent to eat less (about 800 to be exact). I exercise daily and I burn (acording to my pulse monitor) anywhere from 700-900 calories. I'm thinking great I'm burning all the calories that I eat during the…
Anyone doing t25? How long did it take you to see results. I'm on my last day of the 3rd week of alpha but have yet to see results on the scale.. I have notice my clothes fitting a lot better but that is it. So for a week now I have been doing double time.