I've gotten pretty fit w/o ever using a HRM (Best 5K time was 21:17 (28 degrees and slipped a few times on some patches of black ice, but luckily, never went down ... on 11-28-2013) w/o ever having used a HRM ... The last 5K I ran, I was the first female to finish (11th place overall ... woo ... ran it in the snow too, had…
First off, I'm 5'2, weigh between 101-103 lbs, have 16% body fat (which leaves about 85lbs lean body mass). I lift weights, do pilates on the reformer (advanced), long distance running and cycling (so I'd say I'm pretty fit). I never workout halff-@ss, I always break a sweat (which is not easy for me, since I run below…