How realistic is this calorie burn estimate?

First off, I'm 5'2, weigh between 101-103 lbs, have 16% body fat (which leaves about 85lbs lean body mass). I lift weights, do pilates on the reformer (advanced), long distance running and cycling (so I'd say I'm pretty fit). I never workout halff-@ss, I always break a sweat (which is not easy for me, since I run below average body temp-wise at 97.0F). Any way I just did a 30.66 mile ride on my stationary bike for 85 minutes total (5min warm up 19.6 mph-20.0mph, 25 minute High Intensity Intevals, 5 min @ a steady 20.2 mph pace, another set of Intevals for 25 min, then I was going to do a 5 min cool down but I was really into my music the endorphines were pumping and I felt good so I just kept going for another 25 minutes and biked to my music staying between 20.0 - 23.0 mph), needless to say I was SOAKED, like I just got out of the shower when I was done. MFP and Sparkpeople both estimate my calorie burn to be around 742 so I was wondering how accurate this is? I'm not looking to lose weight obviously, I'm on here for the fitness aspect of it (LBM gains, building more indurance), so I want to make sure I'm eating enough, I just joined a little while ago and was shocked to see just by how much I was undereatting given my activity level, ever since I've joined I've had extra energy, have been getting faster and stronger, because I've been meeting or getting really close to my calorie goals.
