I love all forms of cauliflower but I gave the cauliflower rice a try with my stir fry last night. DELICIOUS! And you can really work in the flavors to pair with what else you are making,. So i added ginger, onion and garlic. It was so tasty.
Apologies if this question has been asked previously, I was unable to find it. I have recently rediscovered how much I love chocolate. Thankfully I am the type to have 1-2 pieces and quit! I assume DARK chocolate is allowed on most diets, and I don't mind dark chocolate, but how dark? If I'm going to have my occasional…
Hello everyone! A bit about my weight loss journey and what is going on now. I have been a but chubby my whole life and towards the end of high school I was very heavy and continued to gain after high school. I finally decided I would like to lose weight and started doing research. I made alot of changes, like drinking…