How to gain weight faster??I need help
As what i have said above...seriously,i really jealous of someone that can become fat easily even without eat much,i knew this would angered some people here.....Now i eat 2.8k calories everyday,3 days weight lifting exercise at gym every week to increase my muscle mass but i still maintain around 136-143...my target is…
Breathing problems during my strength training...
So is it normal to feel breathless and heart beating VERY FAST during strength training exercise like biceps curl.....furthermore i starting to feel breathing difficulty(hard to breath,almost suffocation) when i just only start doing it on 1st set within 5-6 reps...am i sick?
How come weight lifting isn't burn any calories?
As what i have said above...i'll do alot of weight lifting exercise include bench press,triceps extension,squat,pull-up,pull-down etc but when i add it to my exercise diary...it shown me that all of the weight lifting exercise didn't burn any calories?So is it true?