So many things to be thankful for
My personal life is in turmoil right now, but in the midst of all of that, I have found a commitment to this new lifestyle. I appreciate having something positive to focus on, and even more so, the fact that this is something beneficial to me personally. It doesn't hurt that it's something I can control either. While I'm…
Calculating odd exercise calories
So I started a new (temporary) job today, power washing and staining miles of fence around a private housing community. We did a little more than a half-mile today. We had to walk back and forth to and move the vehicle for every 200 feet or less, walk through high brush and grass on uneven terrain (which was sometimes not…
Notifications during conversations/threads?
So, I am pretty new here - just about two months in, most of which I rarely looked at the message boards. Now that I've found that I'm interested in some of the topics, I'm struggling with following the threads in terms of whether someone responds to me. I see a setting for receiving notifications when someone responds to…