hi my fit fam! I need help! I am trying to create the most balanced eating plan! everytime i log my food in and complete my entries im over carbs a little, over protein and under fat! can anyone give me some helpful tips to accomplish a balanced eating plan! thanks guys! feel free to take a look at my diary!
soo I have a question I am over weight and currently shedding the pounds, I have a major part with discoloration on my inner thigh area, my knees, elbows, underarms and neck...can anyone help on how I can even these areas out! Thank you!
What are some good recipes for kale???
helly my fit family...I need a little help I am trying to make a smoothie with spinach, almond milk, and berries but every time I add the spinach its sort of gummy am I adding to much spinach and not enough milk maybe?? what should I do??
HEY MFP!!! Please give me some tips on making my brown rice tasty! its so nasty to me! Someone told me to add vegetable broth and I did, it was ok but still not that tasty.. and ideas!!???
so y husband and I found out yesterday we are having another baby! I still want to exercise, and eat right. Please help I want to continue my journey! but what exercises should I do and how should I eat?