Looking for a nice Gym In London
Feeling like it's time to go back to exercise and I am looking for a Gym in London....with classes and not too pricy...any suggestions?
Looking for a I quit sugar pal
Hi Everyone! I have been trying to shed these five kilos that I don´t want/need for almost two years...I have tried loads of differents diets and nothing seems to work or maybe I am not patience enough.....I have tried diets that I have seen online...from dietians....The other day diet (Impossible to eat just 500kcal per…
How much calories do you burn when you are patrolling?
Hi Everyone!! I working as a Gallery Assistant/Events and normally my job is stading for long long hours and patrol...do you happen to know how many calories can you burn doing that?
Feeling miserable when you are eating stuff you are not supposed to be eating...
Hi Everyone! I have been trying to shed these five kilos that I don´t want/need for almost two years...I have tried loads of differents diets and nothing seems to work or maybe I am not patience enough.....I have tried diets that I have seen online...from dietians....The other day diet (Impossible to eat just 500kcal per…