Logging Progress
I added the wrong start weight I've actually lost 9 lbs is there any way to change this?
Question about calories...
Since the Atkins diet is obviously gonna be high calorie at times what range of calories should I set the daily calorie intake goal?
how to adjust daily food allowances by unit
I just came back and I want to know how to know to adjust how many carbs etc I am allowed daily, I used to use this feature I just dont remember how
Victoria Secret underwear?
I'm 28, 5'4 and 137 lbs and recently went from 203 to my current size in about a yr and a half. I am really not a public underwear shopper but would like to buy some VS underwear. I hear they run small from some, big from others so I am wondering if some ladis don't mind helping by sharing their height, weight and size at…
Quick question...
I tried the search bar but could not find an exact answer? How do I view the "If every day were like today" feature? Thanks and sorry if this question has already been answered.