I was using the app and couldn't find check now I see it on the web
Ok sorry I didn't check there lol
Great information to know
I've been on Synthroid/Levoxythyroxine my whole life, well since the age of 7. It's really important to be on the right dose of medication or you can experience tons of symptoms even so with the right dose. To be honest being hypothyroid can suck at times and it's really a temperamental thing. Some symptoms to watch for or…
I plan on doing 50 carbs a day and I'm not actually officially diagnosed but I've had symptoms of fibro and CFS syndrome for over 15 years as I have an autoimmune form of hypothyroidism since childhood. Feel free to add me if you want, I'm here to lose 65 lbs AGAIN using low carb all over
Thanks all I aimed at About 1500 and have been doing ok
Can you go low carb? I find it the easiest and less hungry if you have no health issues
Can I still add you lol I need to lose about 65 m, I lost 65 on here previously and maintained for about 2 yrs but I just had a baby and I'm back to square 1
Add me ☺️
I've asked this on another question but just wondering what's a good calorie target goal for someone eating 50 carbs
Question for those who are doing a higher level of carbs, what is a good calorie target for someone that burns about 400 a day average in cardio
I am thinking about doing this but on a much lower scale, maybe 60 carb range. The thing is I used to do induction with ease and I just can't handle it the way I used to
Yes you will burn more because it's like walking on a hill, I actually returned my treadmill though because I couldn't afford a decent model for my needs and find my elliptical burns a tad more because I don't run
I won't be starting until New Years but as far as I'm concerned my journey is never over. I lost 65 lbs on here in 2012 and will be restarting that whole journey completely over after a baby, unfortunately I went from 135 to 206
You can because you earned those by exercising, the more you exercise the more you can eat
Haven't found a lot of dessert options on low carb but I used to do Koolaid with Splenda frozen pops and Xarb smart cola floats with diet soda
I have Hashimotos the opposite of you and I sent you a friend request as I'd like people with similar goals and health issues on my list
Chicken noodle soups, egg noodle casserole w/chicken, chicken chile, chicken sandwich
Lots of wings, hot wings,lemon pepper, lots of chicken breast
I've sent you a request, after having a baby I've regained 60 lbs and I am beginning again after Christmas
Seems interesting enough to make considering beef jerky is kinda expensive theses days and would be a good low carb snack
Stuff like hot wings, lemon pepper wings, grilled chicken breast which he can add bread to make a sandwich, there are many others just take your time and do a little research online I know of some great desserts but can be eaten only in moderation while low carbing
Thanks so much for the quick replies and helping me out ladies! :)
Thanks, this motivates me!