Best strength traing routine for beginners
Hi there! I'm a 20 year old uni student, female, around 232lbs and I am looking for a good overall strength training routine for beginners. I have access to a full gym and would like some advice on what people think the best programme for me would be. I know a lot of people have been using NROL for women and stronglifts 5…
Hungier after qutting smoking??
I quit smoking just over 2 weeks ago.. 17 days ago to be precise ;) Before hand I was doing fine, sticking to my calories everyday (1700+ depending on exercise) only going slightly over now and again, but since I've stopped smoking i've felt a lot hungrier! Its like if I dont eat I get extremely tired and also i've been…
strength training - Inputting weight used?
I was just wondering when you enter strength training exercises, when using dumbbells, do you input the combined weight of the two dumbbells or the weight of one inidivdual dumbbell? so like today I often used two 8lb dumbbells and I wasn't sure whether to log it as using a weight of 8lbs or 16lbs? Any replies much…
These damn scales!
I'm so confused by my dads digital scales i've been using to track my weight since i've been staying at his house! Before I left home in the UK about 3 weeks ago my scales said I weighed 110 kilos, and since i've left i've been tracking my calories and doing fine (this Caribbean heat seriously reduces hunger, bonus hah!).…
I always here how good and filling porridge is for you, but whenever I make it, using half a cup dry oats with almond or other milk I'm starving after 2 hours! I'm not this hungry after a big bowl of wholegrain cereal and most other breakfasts. Does anyone else feel this way? and why doesn't it keep me full? I suppose its…
New, 122 pounds to lose, vegan, need some advice :)
Hello everyone! My names Aisha and i'n new here :) I'm 19 and from South Shields, England. I've been overweight all my life and been on loadsss of diets and weight loss schemes including mend, community weight management(government weight loss program) weight watchers, cabbage soup, milical, slim fast etc. I know a lot…