I get random attacks through out the day. Gym days I use those work outs to throw everything at the weights. But on rest days I struggle.
On days like this my fibro has me in bed not wanting to do anything let alone exercise. I feel defeated for not exercising today. I'm trying not to beat myself up too much. But if anyone has tips or advice it would be greatly appreciated.
Is your significant other your gym buddy? How do you two go about your workouts together? My boyfriend is my gym buddy and we did our first work out together (taking turns on machines and challenging each other). Just curious how other couples do gym time.
Anyone else doing more weightlifting than cardio to burn fat? I'm newly obsessed with weightlifting and I'm at the gym as much as possible. I've made a huge diet change as well and since a week from today I'm down 7.5 lbs. (I moved in with my boyfriend and he's a gym rat and weightlifting) Looking for others doing the same…
Hi! I'm Molly. I'm 23 going on 24. I had my youngest almost 7 months ago. I gain entirely too much weight (With both pregnancies) and wasn't ever too serious to lose any weight. But I made a deal with myself...when I reach my goal then I can talk to my h7bby about having another and last baby