Half Marathon
So, I'm thinking about training for a half-marathon and just kind of want some more info from others who have done one or know anything about it. I am 22 yo, 5'5.5", 149 lbs. I currently get on the treadmill and jog for about 20 minutes, and usually get somewhere near around 2 miles. I do this every other day, so either 3…
Negative calorie adjustment
So for the past two days, every time I wake up, I have something like negative 200 calories. I know Fitbit and MFP communicate and if I haven't burned the calories it thinks I should, it adjusts. So am I not burning enough calories in my sleep? Like wtfreak does that even mean, to wake up with negative calories at 8:00 in…
Calorie/Measurement Verification
So I just want to make sure I did this right. I made some Rotel dip and while I was making it, I got out my food scale, measuring spoons, and measuring cups, so the measurements below are what is already in it: 1. 16 oz lean ground beef. 140 calories per 4 oz, so 560 in total (see note/question below) 2. 1 cup Rotel sauce.…
So, I've lost 10 pounds out of my 20 pound goal. I'm not seeing any definition to the areas that I wanted some definition to though, which isn't surprising since I only do cardio (and of course my calorie deficit but that has even less to do with toning than cardio does). So now I'm looking for some exercises to do to…
Measuring cooked black beans
This is probably the dumbest question, but I just need clarification. This package of dried black beans states that the serving size is 1/4 cup beans dry. Soooo ... What about when you cook em? They swell. So, I'm assuming the calories would still be the same, since I'm cooking them in water?????? Also, what about…
Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey Taste
How do y'all drink yours? IMO, it's very watery compared to other protein powders, which makes it taste awful. I'm wondering if all the people with positive reviews have been using it some way that I'm not and should maybe try????
Lean1 Meal Replacement Shakes???
So I was on groupon and I saw this tub of mix called Lean1 Fat Burning Meal Replacement Shake. I went to the website and looked at the ingredients and nothing jumped out at me as "bad", though I don't just reeeally know what to look out for. It's pretty pricey, and I don't want to buy it if it's one of those fads. So I…
"Starvation mode"
Hi all. I just started my weight loss journey exactly a week ago today. I am female, 19, college freshman, 5'5, 182.2 pounds. My junior year in high school, my weight dropped, bottoming at 136 pounds. I'm not entirely sure how?? I was in marching band, I suppose. However, I was also in marching band the preceding 2 years,…