I'm not one of those people who can't go a week without a relationship...if I were, I'd be royally screwed...but I've been single for nearly 8 years now and it's beginning to wear on me. I just turned 30 and I see my peers getting married and having children left and right, and I can't help but wish I were in the same spot…
Hello everyone! (Anyone? Lol) I will be back in town in late August to finish up my masters and am planning to join the fitness center at the university...I can't wait to take some classes! I was just wondering if anyone else was thinking of doing the same and/or if anyone would be interested in starting a walking routine…
I'll be there for either the 8:00 wave or the 9:20 (waiting for my walking partner to decide.) :) I certainly won't be running, but I still can't wait!