Have anyone here tired the nmilitary diet and if so does it work for you? Here is the diet. its suppose to help you lose up to 10lbs a week and DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. i think im going to try it DAY 1: Breakfast 1/2 Grapefruit 1 Slice of Toast 2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter 1 cup Coffee or Tea (with caffeine) Lunch 1/2 Cup…
Soi have a question, Maybe a bit odd but here it goes. I tend to not have a lot of time to hit the gym. I am currently calorie counting at about 1700 ( i think ) a day. Is it possible to lose weight without working out or not working out a lot. I may park at the end of the lot at work and walk a but further so im getting…
question.. and this mabe a dumb one but ill ask.. so im watching my intake and doing a little bit of calorie counting. I ate chinese food which took A LOT of my calories for today.. I was told to eat healty food with my work out but can i eat my normal food, count my calories , do portion control AND work out to get the…
I started my workout journey yesterday and im excited. Sometimes i find myself not being motivated. anyone looking to be friends or connect through this community Please let me know.. You motivate me and I will motivate you.. :laugh: