PMS & Food cravings
I have a mirena coil fitted, its lasts for five years. This is the second mirena i have had fitted and its been in place for a year and a half. With the first one i had no periods during the five years and no unusual cravings (only my ongoing addiction to biscuits etc.) As i said i've had the second one for a year and a…
Hi I really want to start swimming as its ngood exercise and I was always a very good swimmer, perfect stroke in everything except butterfly. My worry is that I will eat/pig out afterwards, swimming always brings on an insane hunger, the kind where all willpower goes out of the window and cravings for ..erm, dare I say it,…
Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred [DVD]
Have any beginners in the exercise world worked out with this DVD? Just wondering as many reviewers say its pretty hard including the first level. I'm wondering if people on MFP have any thoughts. I don't know if I should give it a go or not, if its too hard I feel I may get discouraged and think I'm useless. I'm currently…