PMS & Food cravings

I have a mirena coil fitted, its lasts for five years.
This is the second mirena i have had fitted and its been in place for a year and a half.
With the first one i had no periods during the five years and no unusual cravings (only my ongoing addiction to biscuits etc.)
As i said i've had the second one for a year and a half and have had no periods during this time so far......
Now this week i started to crave chocolate biscuits and thought about biscuits, there were doughnuts in the cupboard (not mine) which i don't even like but when i saw them i thought, oh i could just eat one of those, but i didn't.
Now today i have eaten a breakaway choc biscuit which were in the cupboard and a oat biscuit. Afterwards i thought why the hell have i done that, I've not eaten anything like that for over six weeks, i then discovered i have a period.
So does this clarify that pms. periods cause cravings?
It seems like it does for me.
First period in over 6 &1/2 yrs and cravings, hope i don't keep getting them, i mean both periods and cravings. Also i've not weighed myself for a couple of weeks, i was going to do so today but I think I'll postpone, as I'm probably heavier due to the period.
Does anyone have any thoughts re. this?
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