So far I am down 15lbs in about 3 months time. What is a good 90 day goal? My final goal weight is 150lbs and I'm currently 210lbs. I work part time hours (1-5 M-F) so getting to the gym is no problem. I'm shooting to workout 5 days a week for at least 1 hour.
Aside from Zumba, what workout programs require a certification to teach?
Does anyone else do these Les Mills programs? Our gym offers them as classes and I did the BODYCOMBAT one last Friday and it was AWESOME! I was curious if anyone had experience results doing them with a healthy diet and what your average calorie burn was?
Sometimes I only get 30 mins of workout time and alternate between cardio and calisthenics. What is your crunch time workout?
I started working out again a couple weeks ago and was wondering how many miles I should walk/run per week to achieve 1-2lbs a week of weight loss. This is the first time I've been seriously committed to losing weight as I want to join the Navy. So far I have lost 6lbs :) I go to the gym in the mornings for at least 30-45…