ok so while filling in my food diary I noticed for homemade applesauce it has a sodium number of 500. Seems really high, do apple naturally have high sodium? Also 500 what exactly what is the measurement mfp is using? ok and when I looked online applesauce has 5mg in 1 cup unsweetened and 8 mg in 1 cup of sweetened? So are…
sometimes when I eat healthier foods (fruits, veggies) for my meals I end up feeling nauseous between meals. I think it is the lower carbs because this doesn't happen when I eat breads, pasta's starches, but I am really trying to change out eattng habits. Did this happen to anyone else? How long did it last? I know when I…
I am new to the board and just trying to get back o a healthy weight, I'm looking for some friends to help me along the way.