Anyone want to share any recipes. Here is one of my favourites. Can't claim the credit as someone sent it to me along with a pdf file of over 100 recipes. If anyone would like a copy feel free to message me and I will email them across. Enjoy. Crockpot Chicken Tortilla Soup #2 (3 Points) 16 Ounces Chicken Breast Halves…
New, only joined yesterday, looking for some support buddies. Anyone want to join me on my lifestyle change?
I got these from someone else, so can't take the credit. Enjoy! 1. Strawberries and chocolate: Dip 4 or 5 (depending on their size) strawberries into 2 squares or melted dark chocolate. 2. Mini quesadilla: Melt 1 tablespoon of cheddar onto 1 small corn tortilla. Top with shredded cabbage or diced tomato if desired. 3.…
I am looking for a heart monitor, so I can track my burned calories more accurately. I don't want to spend a fortune, but don't want to waste money on a cheap and it turning out to be rubbish. Any Ideas?