Figured I would start it since yall are probably dead tired from the Tough Mudder. Carol, did you mean you are fasting all week? How was the Mudder? Can't wait to hear about it.
Last few weeks have been tough. I haven't been around much so I thought I would touch base and let yall know what's been going on. Tried to message Carol and John, but the FB messages apparently didn't get through. Some of yall may remember that my wife was pregnant and we were expecting baby number 7. My wife had some…
So, I really like to cook and I really like vegetables. The problem is I have very little experience cooking vegetables other than onions and squash, usually just all sautéed in a skillet with butter and such. I like raw vegetables and like to make a cole slaw or salad, or I will throw some frozen broccoli in the…
So in about a month and a half I am doing the "Oklahoma Run-n-Gun" it consists of a 10 kilometer course with obstacles and a rifle and pistol stage every 2k or so. I don't plan to do a lot of running but I do need to get some training in before it gets here. Thought I would start a thread to track what I am doing as well…
So, I got all excited about dropping more weight and eating better etc after putting on 20 pounds of the 35 I had lost, then we get into summer.... Summer means Vacation Bible School, where for one week all the workers who pick up kids on the vans and bus are fed dinner at the church. Wonderful meals made by the best cooks…