Christmas Decorations
I shared this in my feed but wanted to share here too.....I can not stop laughing :laugh:
Adroid Music App
What app do you use to download music on your android? I am using Music Paradise right now but can never find the songs I want.
you gotta read this....
I think I got this in an email chain years ago and kept it because I loved it so much.....just felt like sharing it today. That is all.....carry on :glasses: Sometimes people come into your life & you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or help you figure out…
Re-watch Season One
I am all excited for Season 2 of AHS. I have been wanting to re-watch season one. I know it isn't on Netflix. Anyone know where to re-watch season one? I really need to go buy the DVD's!!! If I can't find them, that is what I will have to do. Thoughts please...
FALL TV!!! <3
I love the fall. I get way too excited about Fall TV!!! All of my favorite shows are about to start! The Walking Dead American Horror Story Son's of Anarchy Dexter Vampire Diaries (lol) What are your favorite Fall TV shows??
Anti-virus / Anti-spyware
I'm just curious what everyone uses and how expensive it is. In this week alone, my credit card has been automatically charged for 6months of anti-spyware ($29) & 1 year of anti-virus ($74) :noway: I guess I signed up for free trials at the same time and now they are doing an automatic renewal. I'm trying to figure out if…
how to react to your child saying they think they're fat....
Someone posted this on facebook and I found it very interesting. Partly because, I can remember asking my mom if I was fat when I was around 8 or 9 and she told me I was "chunky" and needed to lose a few pounds. What are your thoughts on how this mom reacted?
how much do you pay for your cable/internet?
just curious.......I have been back & forth with my cable company for 3 years when their "promotional rates" run out they always change it...rrrrr! I can't remember where I started and if I'm getting a good deal currently or getting ripped off. Right now I pay around $95 (including tax) for digital cable w/ dvr & showtime…
Tonight's Episode!!!!!
Who else is EXTREMELY HAPPY that today is Wednesday!!!!!!! :drinker: What do you think will happen tonight??
Do you think Opie will kill Clay??
Last night's episode was insane. I can't believe Unser actually told Opie that it was Clay who killed Piney!!! And I can't blieve Jax didn't beat the crap out of Clay for what he did to Gemma!!!! What are your predictions?
What movie should I go see tonight???
Going to the movies tonight...any suggestions???? :)
Meal Planning
So....I'm trying to get better about cooking / meal planning etc. I am not the best when it comes to cooking and I DESPISE going to the grocery store lol. I am a single mom so I'm always looking for the quick and easy way. By the time I get off work at 5:00pm and pick up my son it’s usually 6:00 or 6:30pm before we get…