On Friday after work I went to the gym and for the first time since kindergarten I DID A PULL UP! Not a chin up (palms in), but I real pull up! On January 1st, I could not even do one correct full push up, so I have come quite a long way. Any one else have New Year's Resolutions that you are still working on/close to…
I was just reading an article about 50 ways to lose 10 lbs (just cause I was interested in what they had to say) Number 6 was: "Diet 2 days a week. If you can't stick to a program all the time, try slashing your calories to 650 a day just 2 days a week and eating normally the other days. A recent study suggests this offers…
I'm donating blood on Thursday, and I was wondering what I should eat in the days leading up to it/ the actual day. I have donated blood before and have done fine, but I'm afraid that maintaining my 1200 calorie/day diet would not be safe. Also, I take a multi-vitamin daily, so I know my iron will be alright, and I drink…