Well Ibeen keeping up with... the diet and exercising and my last weight in was thursaday and was 13.8.5oz, - Last night my partner took me for a valentinesday meal to an indian.. and this morning I was 13.12!!!! OMG!!! Will this stay like this or is it just water ? x thanksx
Well This is my 3rd week of dieting and I started yeaterday at eating more, as before all I ate was 1 meal a day and lost weight... beofre the diet it was takaways at night crip's choc and cola! So from yesterday I had brecky,lunch and dinner and did the gym between times and drunk 3 500lm of water... today weighted the…
Thankyou im new to this, what do you think? x
Hi All :) Im New to Fitness Pal... and Im on Supplments of Mango Extreme and I have to have a Minimum of 1200 Calories a day... So Iv In Putted What Il eat... as so far Iv been eating only one meal a day.. But its saying il put weight on :( There no chocolate or crips in my diet or fizzy pop! Im Really confused as before…