On days I hit the gym hard I feel like the energy lasts all day. I know this sounds silly but I don't want to over do and injure myself so I try to go for a walk or play in The pool with my kids. But would doing a more strenuous workout later in the day be bad? I'm thinking like a yoga or a stretching video online? I'm…
I've seen a ton of these and they all sound so good! I'm curious if anyone has taken them camping stored in a cooler. I've tried salad beforein a cooler and it always gets soggy and gross. Was wondering if anyone had success with the Mason jar method?
Hey all! I was hurt about three weeks ago and finally got the okay to start working out, but am limited to nothing that jolts or uses my left shoulder (more then 15lbs, or exercises recommended by my PT) I have mostly been walking to get my body re-started however still want to hit my goal weight (one of many) of 20lbs…