So am trying to exercise and eat healthy but I always think every little helps - stairs instead of lift, walk instead of bus etc. So I'm hoping people can throw out little things they do during the day to get a bit more exercise. I have started squatting while brushing my teeth - maybe get about 30 in each time - so thats…
Hi, I am currently trying to get in to a good routine in the gym - 3 x running days and hopefully 2/3 x strength/weight days per week. I've done some strength before but with a 4 on 1 trainer so kind of scared going out on my own! I have a gym membership so have all their equipment but kind of don't know where to start. My…
Hi, Ok so Im Female - 25 - 147 - 5'4" (as of today scale in gym) I'm away on a year's travelling holiday based in sydney at the moment. I've been trying to eat healthily (Monday to Friday at least) and I seem to be gaining. I know drink at the weekends isn't helping. But I''m wondering does anyone have any advice? I've…
Hi guys quick questino about sugar. I was on a regime before which basically said sugar's the devil stay away! Needless to say I didn't last on it cause things like fruit and milk I was being urged to stay away from. I've recently changed my mindset from diet to lifestyle change and am loving it. However I'm put off by the…
Heading to the gym at lunchtime and getting on the scales for the first time in 10 days. I'm scared that whatever the number it will demotivate's never enough! trying to get it into my head that once it's a minus we're gong the right way!!