Weightlifting (woman) question!
I work out about 4x per week. My routine consists of barbell squats (70 pounds), walking lunges holding 15 or 20 pound weights, deadlifts (40 pounds), other arm exercises using 15 pound weights, plus various machines, planks, bosu ball, ropes, etc. plus cardio (either a tabata or boot camp class or a few miles of running…
Trader Joes <3
I love Trader Joes. It is the most incredible supermarket ever. I can buy the healthiest most delicious food and spend half of what I would anywhere else. My shopping list: 1. Bags of precut broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots (cut off a corner of the bag, nuke for 3 min and voila) 2. Blackberries 3. Blueberries 4. Bananas…
Multivitamin: yay or nay?
If I eat a healthy diet and believe I am receiving adequate nutrition should I still consider supplementing with a multivitamin? If so, which one?
Come on, just one bite!
When it comes to making choices aboutmy diet, I find myself constantly faced with pressure from friends/acquaintances/colleagues. "just eat this just this once, it won't kill you!"..."come on, you HAVE to have dessert with me!"..."How can you not want a cupcake and champagne [afternoon office party]? It's so and so's…
Add Cardio or Add Weights to Current Exercise Routine? Help!
Hi all, Currently my exercise schedule is as follows: Sunday-1 hour boot camp class (lots of pushups, squats, lunges, jumping jacks, burpees, sandbags, 5-8 lb free weights) Monday-1 hour weight lifting with a trainer Tuesday-off Wednesday-1 hour boot camp Thursday- 1 hour boot camp Friday-off Saturday-off I want to step up…
Hi everyone!
Apologies for my cryptic handle and profile, I'm a bit internet shy and prefer to maintain my privacy. I am not a bot! I'm a 29 year old female and have struggled with my weight since childhood. In high school I topped out at 192 pounds at 5'3. About 8 years ago a light went off in my head. I decided to change everything.…