Ok, so on the 1st of aug I am going home to FL for three weeks to spend my birthday with my family. This means frequent barbeques, family dinners at restaurants, and not to mention the homemade cheesecake my mom is making for my birthday! My family is very supportive (even though my sister JOKES that she will put…
Ok, so I have lost 50lbs so far and I stick to a somewhat specific regimine. I always have two days off (not in a row) and I always warm up, then I alternate days of... (1) arms- 20 pushups, 5 arm exercises with resistance bands, 10 mins shake weight, 20 situps, 20 leg lifts (lower stomach), 20 side crunches- all done in…
I am new here so I just wanted to say hey!! I have a long tough journey ahead of me but I am ready.. I figure its time for me to finally love and take care of myself. I wish everyone luck in their weight loss goals!