ladypurgatori Member


  • Thanks, I think Im just going to stick with the maintain and exercising, I hope it works!
  • Your looking great!!! Just keep at it and you will hit your goal in no time!
  • Every night for dinner, and I like to have spinach and lettuce!!
  • Single and lovin every moment of it!!!
  • I could not agree more!!! My goal is to gain muscle and stick to about 180, I know for my height that is still considered overweight but I want to keep my hips and booty! Mainly though I am just trying to be healthy and eat right... Nice towel pic by the way lol!
  • Ok so of course a post titled "boobs" had to catch my attention lol! I have been going through this dilemma myself, I began at a 44DD and over the past two 1 /2 months, I moved from the third row of hooks to the first. My boobs did not seem to fill the cups anymore either. Well, yesterday I decided to switch to a 42DD and…
  • I dont necessarily eat on a schedule but I try to eat around the same time everyday. I also make my breakfast the most calories of the day and dinner the least and it seems to work for me. If you want to stick with a schedule then make yourself eat even if your not hungry and dont let yourself eat if you are hungry, just…
  • Im worried about the same thing.. I swear there isnt a spot on my body without stretch marks and I have no kids!! I am afraid that as I lose weight the skin will bunch together and the stretch marks will look deeper!!! Aaaahhhh it sucks!
  • This happens to me also, what I do is I lift up my foot a little on the upswing when the pressure is on the other foot. It helps with the numbness and also when my legs are feeling sore. I never thought of wearing the shape ups.. I will have to try that!
  • Hahaha that is soo funny because since I have signed up I spend all my time here!! I havent updated my facebook in like a week! Atleast it is a good addiction!
  • Im kinda late posting but these are some of my goal outfits!! If you cant tell I have a thing for latex!
  • Dont feel bad, my mom always tells me that being fat is just in my genes and I should get over my hype about being skinny. Whats important is that you motivate yourself and be proud of what your doing because your the most important person in your life so what you think should matter the most. Keep up the good work because…
  • Thats crazy.. I used to do the same thing! I would wake up and automatically without thinking be in the kitchen eating pastries and drinking milk. My sisters used to make fun of me saying that I would wake up with crumbs on my shirt!! What I did was I restricted the amount of hours I was sleeping that way I would be more…
  • I wonder the same things.. I just love my whole milk with a passion and I would rather give up something else to keep it! I hope it doesnt hurt me in the end, its only a cup a day. I would think that certain treats would be ok.. try working them off afterwards.
  • Seriously I love this site! Soooo many kick *kitten* people!