Do people ever discourage you??

I've been really trying with the diet and exercise for the last 3 wks and I have been so proud of myself. But, there are some people who discourage me by say " aw, your just going to live until you die". I said "But If I can eat healthy and keep from having a stroke or heart attack it will be worth it" Why do people do this?? Thank goodness my DH does not think that way. He's proud of me and he's not even on MFP but he tries to eat what I do. The Dr. told me my heart is in good shape and if I will change my eating to more healthy I should be fine. I think he practices what he preaches because he is very slim (they say he used to be real big). Does anyone else have this problem??


  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,733 Member
    The only one I let discourage me on occasion is myself. :smile:

    You should be proud of yourself. Keep up the healthy lifestyle, and keep being proud.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    You should be proud of yourself! Making a lifestyle change and commitment like that is hard work and it's awesome that you have been sticking to it. Some people just have bad attitudes and you can't let them bring you down. The most important thing is that you have the support of your DH and of your Dr., and of course everyone on MFP! The best part about MFP is that we are all here for the same reason. If you need encouragement you are looking in the right place.

    *had to edit to fix my typos. Sometimes my fingers just do whatever they want. :)
  • CelesteENelson
    CelesteENelson Posts: 89 Member
    I have people around me consistently that subconsciously discourage me if that makes any sense. They bring food around that they know I cant eat but is my fave. It is hard to say no but all I can see when they do that is their jealousy because those that do this to me are those that are jealous they arent doing it with me or instead of me.
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    Awww, thank you Ladies, you are so encouraging , quite the opposite of some others. The ones that say that to me are way out of shape and eat a lot of fried foods and loads of salt. Their health is not that good either, so that may be part of the reason, but they've been negative for yrs about healthy eating.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    You know you would think that your friens/family would be happy for you or at least encourage you, but remember if people are not happy with themselves or if they want to change and they don't then they will be negative towards your. Plus you don't have to tell everyone about your weightloss goals, they will see the changes in your physical and if their around you a lot they will see how you eat etc. Although I have not experienced any negativity directly, I still have a feeling that some people think I am going to quite or they don't want me to succeed, but results speaking louder than words. You have this site which is full of encouragment, keep at it!!!
  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    It's funny you said that because there were donuts at our meeting at work today and people told me just close my eyes and eat one and that one donut won't hurt.... I think its because it will make them feel better that they are eating something so unhealthy if they see me eating one
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    I have people around me consistently that subconsciously discourage me if that makes any sense. They bring food around that they know I cant eat but is my fave. It is hard to say no but all I can see when they do that is their jealousy because those that do this to me are those that are jealous they arent doing it with me or instead of me.
    I know what you mean. It's like when you're trying to quit smoking and all of a sudden your friends get real generous and keep offering you cigarettes.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    It's funny you said that because there were donuts at our meeting at work today and people told me just close my eyes and eat one and that one donut won't hurt.... I think its because it will make them feel better that they are eating something so unhealthy if they see me eating one

    lol wtf @ your coworkers. I completely agree with you. It's sabotaging for sure.
  • ladypurgatori
    ladypurgatori Posts: 19 Member
    Dont feel bad, my mom always tells me that being fat is just in my genes and I should get over my hype about being skinny. Whats important is that you motivate yourself and be proud of what your doing because your the most important person in your life so what you think should matter the most. Keep up the good work because it is totally worth it!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I'm relatively private about my personal mission to reconcile my how I feel vs how I look externally.
    Some people feel threatened when a person decides to move on and change their lives or the way they live and they aren't ready to truly face their own inability or lack of desire to do so.
  • sameantha
    sameantha Posts: 75 Member
    I soooo agree with Celeste. People are jealous that you have the nerve to change you life. Some people are just to scared to try or they just don't care about theirselves. You are doing the right thing. Remember it doesn't matter what other people think, it is really important what you think.

    I think it is awesome that your DH is willing to try. Mine still goes and gets fastfood, he doesn't even try to eat what I fix. My DS at least will try what I cook. He is weight training for football and his coach stays on them about what they eat. I am so thankful for that or my son would end up having a habit like his father..
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    Yes, I think jealousy probably does play a part in it. When I quit smoking 12 yrs. ago this person did not encourage me because she smoked. Since then she has had to quit because of her health.

    And as far as the donuts, it seems like people just love for you to cheat and eat unhealthy things.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Dont feel bad, my mom always tells me that being fat is just in my genes and I should get over my hype about being skinny. Whats important is that you motivate yourself and be proud of what your doing because your the most important person in your life so what you think should matter the most. Keep up the good work because it is totally worth it!
    I can't believe your own mother would be so discouraging. She probably just says that because she is unhappy about her own body. I hope you don't let her get to you. Genes are most certainly not everything. You might have to work harder than someone with skinny genes, but the benefits are most certainly there!
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    With all the positive feedback you nice folks have given me , I feel better. Someone had made one of those remarks that I was talking about this morning. When I went for my exercise I just kept thinking about that. I'm so glad I posted this on the board .You've made me feel good!!!
  • TwilaG
    TwilaG Posts: 134
    I have had 1 person make a comment but I let it go in 1 ear and out the other. But, Wednesday night I told my husband my skirt kept slipping down. He said, "Is the elastic stretched out." I about hit him. lol

    I do seem to sabotage myself once in a while. But, then I remember how bad that made me feel. So the next time the situation comes up, I pray that I am much stronger and avoid the temptation.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I want to live in the best, healthiest body I can for whatever time I have. Not to mention the fact that I'm eating foods that make me feel good and participating in activities I love. Why wouldn't I want to do that for the short amount of time I have on this earth?

    Don't let someone else's excuse frustrate or discourage you.


  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Deep inside people know we are doing the right thing...but they want to feel like their unhealthy ways are ok they try to win us back to careless eating by bringing us down. we can show them a better way to live once they see the change in our selfsteem and bodies :)
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Right now my wife is being a bit discouraging, but I know where it comes from. Years ago we were in just about the same boat that we are now, overweight and not feeling good about it.

    Back then we got to a breaking point, and at a Dr. visit, her Dr. recommended the Atkins diet. Having Dr. buyoff intrigued me, since most doctors are pretty lame when it comes to weight loss "Eat less and exercise more...". I read everything about the diet in Dr. Atkins' book and we started the diet whole hog the next week.

    I lost over 100lb total in a year, and she about 80-85. We kept it off for years, but it slowly crept back on as we didn't listen to the lifetime maintenance principals of Atkins like we should have.

    So here we are again, I am just trying to eat less and smarter while exercising, but she's got about 50lb of baby weight AND a blown disc in her back making doing anything painful. She recently had a procedure that has helped a bit, but any suggestion of diet or mild exercise makes her mad. I think that she's frustrated (as she was actively loosing when she got pregnant and was exercising at least 3x a week) but tells me to "Shut up" about my weight loss, or if I linger too long in a mirror checking progress I'm a horrible person because she's "fat" and I'm just trying to make her feel bad.

    I'm hoping to get her back to exercising lightly and back to a decent diet, but it's hard to reason with someone that is so frustrated.