Stretch Marks

LeeLiz12 Posts: 33
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all,

I have some really bad (new) stretch marks on several different places on my torso and arms. I know that they won't go away, but does anyone have any recommendations on how to help them fade? Also, what should I expect as I lose weight? Do they fade, look bigger because of the smaller surface area or....?



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  • jmmtaylor
    jmmtaylor Posts: 225
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I have so many and they are the white ones not the pink onces which i hear don't fade. A friend of mine has a solution but not sure it is something you'll want to do. She goes and get's a spray tan on her stomach to cover the stretch marks so they aren't so noticeable. She is a african american woman so the spray tan basically just blends in. I plan on doing the same thing. Just something you can do if you can't get them to fade to your liking.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Stretch marks do fade over time. I have quite a few from years ago when I gained some weight and then some from when I was pg with my son (5 years ago) and they are noticeable in texture but not really color-wise. I'm not sure on about whether or not they look bigger once you lose weight... I didn't notice last time I lost weight (plus the ones from pg were so much newer then and very noticeable) and this time I haven't lost the weight yet!
  • ladypurgatori
    ladypurgatori Posts: 19 Member
    Im worried about the same thing.. I swear there isnt a spot on my body without stretch marks and I have no kids!! I am afraid that as I lose weight the skin will bunch together and the stretch marks will look deeper!!! Aaaahhhh it sucks!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I use bio-oil on my stomach, and together with losing weight, they are softer, less noticeable and fading to the same color as the surrounding skin. The ones I got on my boobs as a kid are also the same color as the skin, when they were new they were purplish-pink streaks :embarassed: They faded by themselves.
  • bellamia88
    bellamia88 Posts: 149 Member
    Hmmm from my experience mine just faded naturally and I have them EVERYWHERE , it took about a year. I've used creams but they never worked so whatever I just learned to accept them and move on. Even my skinniest of friends have them mostly on their hips and thighs including cellulite (who would've guessed since apparently it's only for "fat" people"). One thing I don't understand is i've lost weight but recently discovered new stretch marks on my belly WHAT.I know there's lazor treatments out there that make them nearly disappear and i'm sure there are other creams too just haven't found any or tried. Hopefully someone else has a better answer for you.
  • sleight119
    sleight119 Posts: 125
    Im worried about the same thing.. I swear there isnt a spot on my body without stretch marks and I have no kids!! I am afraid that as I lose weight the skin will bunch together and the stretch marks will look deeper!!! Aaaahhhh it sucks!

    I dont have any on my feet but as for looking bigger they do at 1st but they will look smaller as your skin shrinks
  • Izzy62
    Izzy62 Posts: 62 Member
    Bio-Oil is fantastic. I used it on surgery scars and there was a noticeable difference. It was recommended by my PT.
  • Ugh. The dreaded stretch marks.

    Got 'em on my arms, chest, thighs, lower back and stomach.
    It was the final blow when woke up one morning and found these pink squiggly lines on my belly.

    To treat..and prevent.. stretch marks from rearing their unforgiving rifts on one's skin, I've stumbled upon a couple suggestions:

    -Stay hydrated, drink lots of water..your skin will thank you
    -massage a cocoa butter or shea butter onto the stretch marks 3 to 4 times daily

    This will allow your skin to be more malleable when gaining or losing weight.

    What I'VE been doing, aside from drinking mass amounts of water, is right after getting out of the shower and drying off, I rub in some lotion with vitamin E on the affected areas.

    I can really see the ones on my inner thighs any more.

    But as takes time to see results.
    Hope that helped :/
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    So if you spray tan it will actually cover and hide stretch marks. This I will have to try, but if you spray tan can you go in the pool or hit the hot tubs. I could just imagine sitting in a hot tub and all the spray tan coming off and the bubbles being an ugly colour. That would be terribly embarrassing,.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    spray tans fade gradually over days, not in a hot tub. You can swim or hot tub or bathe or anything while wearing a spray tan. And they don't have that pesky risk of melanoma (like a suntan). Go spray tans!
  • I slather myself with cocoa butter when I get out of the shower. It's supposed to help them fade, but I"m also hoping it will help keep my skin more elastic as I lose weight (to avoid excess skin). I'm hoping that since I'm losing weight gradually, the cocoa butter will help.

    Just my thoughts. No science or hard evidence to back them up..
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    STRETCH MARKS SUCK!!!! that we are all aware of that LOL
    I have horrible ones all over my stomach from pregnancy. I have tried every kind of cream/oil/lotion there is out there. even tried a derma roller....nothing worked. They have faded somewhat though. they were bright red and now they are more of a pinkish color. I absolutely hate them. I actually have an appointment with a plastic surgeon to talk about having laser treatment done and if he thinks it will actually help me. downside is it is extremely expensive!!! But as far as products go while I am using bio oil they do look a little better but as soon as i stop using it, they look the same as they did before!!! so honestly i feel like no lotions are actually worth the money....all you can do is prevent, and i did everything to prevent and i still got them i think its pretty much just genetics unfortunately!!
  • LeeLiz12
    LeeLiz12 Posts: 33
    Thank you all for the tips - I'm really nervous about the damage I did to my skin, but I'll try your tips and see what happens.
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