I was reading a book the other day and it suggested that a person eat the same meals every single day to lose weight. According to the book, if you eat the same breakfast, same lunch, same dinner and same snacks day in and day out, your taste buds will change and your body will not crave other foods. I've never tried this…
I weighed this morning and I am 250.4 pounds. My ideal weight for my height, age, gender, etc. is around 140-150. So, I am officially 100 pounds overweight. For this reason, I am hitting the ground running TODAY! I have tried using myfitnesspal over a dozen times and haven't had much success. However, I think it's been…
Sometimes I get tired of drinking water and I want a beverage with some flavor. I don't drink soda and I'm not a big fan of smoothies or shakes. I absolutely HATE hot beverages. Does anyone have a cold tea that they enjoy drinking? I really need to find something with flavor, preferably a fruity flavor, with very low…