Halo Master Ch Collection...Gonna be awesome!
Anyone else looking forward to it. Plan on rewarding myself after every gym session with a nerd out time, curious if anyone else is looking to do the same.
Any suggestions on Max Cutting cycle length?
I'm just curious if anyone has any clue how long a cut can go on for until I should do maintenance for a bit. My understanding is that if you let the cut last to long it gets fairly useless due to your body reducing your metabolism. I have about 15-18% of BF that I plan on dropping before I begin a bulking phase and was…
Another Iowa Guy
Well, have been hitting it hard lately and I am about 4 weeks into a cutting phase that I will keep up till I hit my goal bf% Just was curious if there were any other Iowa folks doing the same, while enjoying the ever colder weather that makes you just want to stay inside (or maybe its just the calorie defecit and lack of…
Dark, Cold, Wet Iowa Days...
I must say that these months of constant gloomyness kinda puts a damper on ever wanting to hit the gym and not sitting in front of the tv stuffing my face. On a side note I notice all the seasonal folks are back in the gym making it crowded ;P
Pre/Post Workouts from GNC (packets) question
Well I broke down and decided to go buy some pre/post workout stuff in order to jumpstart myself again. I decided to give these packets a try again, previously used them shortly when I started lifting for the first time. Anyways, I noticed they seem to give me a huge boost with my workout. I can easily see it in my cardio…
Whats the IOWA crowd like on MFP?
Just looking to see if we got any fellow Iowans here. Throw me an invite if you wanna!
Hard not to see flaws in yourself even after success
Im just kind of venting, but seems like anymore I can not see the differences from weight lifting let alone feel proud of myself. Don't get me wrong I know I am in alot better health and actually have a decent amount of muscle compared to me a couple years ago, but I sware I havent seen anything change for months now. I am…