Just curious, are the any other folks who enjoy online console or PC gaming? Personally, I play a lot of Battlefield 4 on my PS4. Its fun to unwind at the end of the day. Post your PS4/Xbox/PC etc ID's if you like and maybe we can play together. My PS4 ID is: Big_Pink_Sock
So, there is a story that I was told once and it has helped me through a lot of the challenges I have faced. The story goes something like this: The point is, if you are struggling with your diet and exercise goals, then you need to ask yourself if being overweight or unhealthy hurts enough to change. You have to be honest…
So I'm new to the forums but not new to the idea of health and fitness. I've been on and off for around ten years now. I've learned a lot along the way. I'm 34. Male. I live in Massachusetts. I currently go to the gym 4/5 times a week and lift weights for the majority of that. I also engage in HIIT cardio once or twice a…