SO I am looking for a good quality sports bra to keep my girls in place while exercising. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good sports bra for a busty girl?
So I have a big box of barley on the shelf that I bought to make Beef and Barley soup. I only needed a little for the soup so now I am looking for some recipes or ideas. How do you use Barley(other then in soup)? Thanks!
So I am not really a milk drinker but I like milk on my cereal. The thing is that I just like it to make it not so crunchy. I always leave most of the milk in the bowl when I am done. Does anyone else do this and do you count the amount of milk you poured on or only what you actually ate? I have been measuring out my…
So I am wondering what are some people's favorite ways to get their chocolate fix without going over on calories?
So I am thinking about ordering the P90 program and just wondering what people think of it who have used it? Being that I am a beginner at this I don't want to use P90X until I am used to exercise. Also wondering about the eating plan that goes along with it. Any thoughts are much appreciated. Thanks!
I am new to this site and looking for some friends who can help me stay on track and stay motivated!:happy: