
So I am thinking about ordering the P90 program and just wondering what people think of it who have used it? Being that I am a beginner at this I don't want to use P90X until I am used to exercise. Also wondering about the eating plan that goes along with it. Any thoughts are much appreciated. Thanks!


  • BballDano42
    just make sure you are ready for it.... it is intense... and it will discourage you in every way.
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Hi there. Doing it and loving it. Today I start Day 31 and move up to Sculpt 3-4. It looks easy but it is a challenge. A great place to start. My plan is to get through my 90 days of P90, maybe do their add on (can;t remember what it is called right now) then moving on to P90X.

    We actually have a support thread for P90. Come on over. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/155744-looking-for-other-p90-support

    As for the eating plan, I am just keeping up with what I have been doing here on MFP. I do not use their shakes or supplements either. My personal opinion is they are not necessary. I make sure I have good protein intake though.
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    I disagree with Bball. I started P90x, not P90 back in January and I could barely do any of the sets but I pushed myself... I didn't get discouraged, I got even more motivated because I wanted to do more!

    If I can do P90x, you can do P90 lol
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    I disagree with Bball. I started P90x, not P90 back in January and I could barely do any of the sets but I pushed myself... I didn't get discouraged, I got even more motivated because I wanted to do more!

    If I can do P90x, you can do P90 lol
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    I've been debating about this myself. I've been doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and find that it really pushes me to my limit which is exactly what I'm looking for but I've heard so much about p90 so I borrowed it from a friend to look it over. I would consider myself to be in decent shape (overweight by about 20 pounds, but I'm active, I walk, I lead a beginner's Pilates class and have been doing that regularly) but there is NO WAY that I am ready to do p90!!! Since I have it (on loan) I'm going to go through and do an exercise or two and add it in slowly, but as my main go-to workout, I think I would just make myself sick.
    Of course, this is me and it might be different for you...
    I don't really know much about the eating plan other than what I've heard from my brother (who has done the program)--he says the supplements are very expensive and that chocolate milk is just as good for the recovery drink as what they sell (in terms of nutritional and recovery value)--but he's not a nutritionist.
    Hope this helps! And if you do go for it--will you let me know what your experience is? Maybe I'm just a big fraidy cat.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    just to add to my previous reply--looking over the other answers--I did not know there was a p90 that was different from p90X, so take my thoughts as relating ONLY to p90X
  • daliberti
    daliberti Posts: 15 Member
    I've completed 60 power 90 workouts. I definitely wouldn't have been ready for P90X when I first started. I moved up to the leve 3-4 workouts after about 30 days, and it was a challange, but I burned so many more calories(I use a heartrate monitor). Power 90 was the perfect place to start for me, I hadn't REALLY workout for a long, long, time, and I felt this pushed me enough, but didn't kill me. Moving on the level 3-4 has been great and I am much more fit now and I've even completed a few of the P90X workouts with my husband and I kept up pretty well. Now, I CAN'T not workout! I love it and I incoporate a few other workout videos now and then just to add some extra variety, but I always love going back to the Power 90 workouts because I feel so great after completing them.
  • starboardzor
    Go for it! And it will only discourage you if you decide to be discouraged. I haven't tried P90, but I'm in week 4 of P90X. It is REALLY instense but I love to be challenged, so it's really motivating.

    I say go for it so you can try P90X sometime in the future and have some more fun =)

    Plus Tony Horton is awesome, very motivating, and very clear about how to do each move. I always sound like such an infomercial when I get excited about this program, but it's only because it made my life amazing. I have always hated work out videos in the past until I got hooked on Tony Horton.
  • Postergirl82
    Thanks everyone! Probably going to go for it and order. My husband said he would use it with me, so maybe he can help to keep me motivated.
  • starboardzor
    Now, I CAN'T not workout! I love it and I incoporate a few other workout videos now and then just to add some extra variety, but I always love going back to the Power 90 workouts because I feel so great after completing them.

    Ha, yeah! I have gotten so used to working out everyday, I'm like rest day? What am I supposed to do on a rest day?? I can't just do nothing!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Thanks everyone! Probably going to go for it and order. My husband said he would use it with me, so maybe he can help to keep me motivated.

    Glad to hear it. You will be pleased. As another poster said, you will only be discouraged IF you allow yourself to be. P90 is designed for beginners too. You do what you can, you can pause it to catch your breath. When you are beginning, just try to work on your form. I started barely able to do 3 on the knees pushups. Saturday I did the firs and the second sets on my toes! I was very proud of myself. It gets easier as you go through it (although I probably won't think so when I move on the the next phase of it tonight - lol). You can do it!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member

    I don't really know much about the eating plan other than what I've heard from my brother (who has done the program)--he says the supplements are very expensive and that chocolate milk is just as good for the recovery drink as what they sell (in terms of nutritional and recovery value)--but he's not a nutritionist.

    This is what I do. I have read it in some of my fitness magazines as well as this and other websites.
  • lena0882
    lena0882 Posts: 4 Member
    The Power 90 program is a great way to get a jumpstart on working out. It's pretty straightforward: 2 - 30 minute workouts, 1 strength and 1 cardio that you alternate 6 days a week. When I ordered the package last January it came with a great "Blast" workout that was perfect for when I hit the "this is so boring, I need something different" day, as well as a couple of other more advanced workouts.

    I did not do the eating plan - I was following WW at the time - so I can't chime in there. But the combination of following the workout plan and a good eating plan definitely worked, I saw noticeable differences by Day 30. I actually posted the calendar on my wall in my living room so that I couldn't hide from it, which was particularly helpful those times I would have rather just curled up on the couch to watch TV instead.

    I still go back to the strength workouts when I start slacking and am considering doing another 90 days to give myself a kickstart.

    It is a bit of a hefty price tag, but I feel like it's worth it if you stick to it. And read the fine print when you order - they sent and charged me for a shake powder I hadn't ordered but I called their customer service and got it refunded pretty quickly. Also, if you are an Ebates member, they offer a 5% cash back offer as long as you pay in full when you order.

    Good luck!!!
  • sharesb
    sharesb Posts: 416 Member
    Thanks everyone! Probably going to go for it and order. My husband said he would use it with me, so maybe he can help to keep me motivated.

    My husband and I are on Day 39 of P90 and I would totally recommend it especially if your husband is game to do it with you! There are days when I probably wouldn't have gotten out of bed if it wasn't for him encouraging me and vice versa. It's nice to have someone to keep you accountable.

    The first 30 days I lost 10lbs and my husband lost 12lbs and together we lost a lot of inches! It's definitely a program that works if you stick to it!! ♥
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I got the regular Power 90 and it is a good program (like all the beachbody programs are) if you stick with it. I personally, found myself bored to death with it.
  • Postergirl82
    Since my husband and I are planning on working out together, do you think I need to buy an extra resistance band?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Since my husband and I are planning on working out together, do you think I need to buy an extra resistance band?

    Yes. They carry a good selection of bands at Sports Authority. He will probably need something that has more tension.
  • lena0882
    lena0882 Posts: 4 Member
    Instead of a separate resistance band, I'd suggest a couple of sets of light dumbbells. I use a combination of 3-, 5-, 7- and 10-lb weights and very rarely use the band.
  • Postergirl82
    Thanks, good to know about the band and using weights!