no gym & small apartment weight lifting?
I read all this great stuff about lifting heavy for women. Unfortunately, going to the gym is not going to happen right now. I have a very small apartment, no room for any kind of machines. Can anybody make some reccommendations as to what to try?
Strength Training?!?
Please someone help me understand strength training...I'm not really sure I know what it is. Some info. says use light weights & increased reps, some says heavier weights & less reps, & some says easy things to do at home with no weights??? Can anyone reccommend a good web site or strength training DVD or something?
no surgery gastric bypass
Has anyone tried or is trying the No Surgery Mini Gastric Bypass?
surgical scars
I am 39 yrs old. I had a hysterectomy about a year ago, now all my belly fat hangs over my scar. People tell me I will always have this "pocket", even after I loose weight. Is this true? Please tell me it's not.