Cottage Cheese?
Hi! So I recently bought a huge tub of fat free cottage cheese because I had seen a ton of websites saying how good it was for you. High in protein, no fat, not a terribly high number of calories, etc. The only problem is that I'm not exactly crazy about eating it plain. SO, here's my question....what do you eat with your…
Sugar free snacks?
Hi guys! I always go waaaaayyyyy over my sugar amount. Does anybody know of any low sugar or sugar free snacks that are actually tasty? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Grocery List Help!
Hey guys I'm going grocery shopping later today and was wondering if anybody has any ideas! Here's my list so far: Hummus Arizona Diet Green Tea Veggies Lean Pockets Special K Bars Sugar Free Jolly Ranchers As you can see, I still need some more ideas! Any suggestions?
How do you recover from a BAD day?
Hi all! Let me start off by saying I am NOT on here for a pity party. I'm just curious. Well the weekends are always hard, but today was especially tough I went over my net calories by 300+. I didn't binge all at once or anything, I was just SO hungry all day! I'm not quitting or giving up, and I'm not even really looking…
Heart Rate Monitors and Nike+
Hi! I have been browsing around for a good heart rate monitor and need some help. I need one that is relatively affordable, but still accurate. I have a pair of the Nike+ shoes, but I have not bought a sensor to go with it. I was wondering if anybody knew how exactly the Nike+ works? And also, what brand of HRM would you…
Hip Hop Abs
Hi! I have had these DVDs for over a year and I absolutely love them! I usually just do them whenever I feel like it, but I have recently started doing the workout program included in the set. My question is has anybody else done this and seen results? Also, how do you log it into you MFP exercise journal? Any input would…
Too much cardio??
Hi! So I have read a few places that too much cardio is actually ineffective in helping to lose weight. I usually walk on the treadmill at 3.3 mph 5 or 6 days a week for at least 45 minutes each time. I am usually pouring sweat by the end. I am wondering if anybody has any information. Is what I'm doing fine or should I…
Need EASY and low cal recipes
Hi! I'm pretty new on here and I am in need of some new recipes to try. I'm not very savvy in the kitchen, so I need something pretty simple. I saw a recipe earlier that had egg whites, chicken, and spices in it and was wondering if anybody had any other suggestions? I'm open to trying pretty much anything. Thanks!
100 Workout by end of April!
Hey! So I read about this workout on a website and thought it would be super easy to do. Boy was I EVER wrong. I didn't even get half way through it! So the goal is to be able to do the entire workout in under 30 minutes by the end of April. I'm thinking big here :) Here's the workout: 100 Jumping Jacks 90 Crunches 80…
The dreaded freshman 15
Hey everybody! I'm pretty new on here so I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm 19 years old and I live in Alabama. A few things I love: baseball, Yankees, Saints, Alabama football, the beach, and my dog. I was very athletic in high school and always had a very cute and tone figure. Then I started college and the dreaded…