stretch before all workouts. BURPEES - 1:00 BICYCLE CRUNCHES 1:00 PUSHUPS 0:30 JOG ON SPOT 5:00 MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS 1:00 SIDE KICK (left) 1:00 SIDE KICK (right) 1:00 CRUNCHES 0:30 JOG ON SPOT (High knees) 1:00 SHADOW BOXING 2:00 JUMPING SQUATS 2:00 REST! (1:00)
add me and all other members and lets make this weekly circuit an actual thing !! :P
hey everybody i want to share my journey with you :) .. please add me. lets motivate each other :)
hey guys ! .. so im putting a playlist together and would like to know the music you listen to to workout to? maybe we'll all get some new motivation! :) IN THE ZONE Joe Johnson
hey im trying to lose body fat but maintain muscle, could someone please give me some basic tips on ho i should do this? thanks a lot Joe
hey guys and girls im joe and ive lost 5 lbs so far. i feel like i could do better with some emotional backup feel free to add me and i'll try my hardest to back you up too :)