I've experienced some very rude and cruel doctors and people in the medical profession over the years, and it makes me avoid them. It hasn't happened in very recent years, but my past experiences have made me afraid to go unless the issue is severe. One doctor berated me about my weight when I went to refill my thyroid…
I'm stalled. I was on a very low calorie diet (500 cals) for about a week (3 weeks ago). Decided I couldn't stick to it, started adding more protein as I'm bigger than the average bear. So I weighed and logged the food on this site, careful to include everything, even a single packet of purevia sweetener. Been keeping my…
Two things I've added to my diet that have really helped me avoid massive carbs (which are a problem for me, they make me hungry) are: Wasa crackers, whole grain, diff. varieties but I like the crisp and light best so far. I eat them plain if my stomach is upset, sometimes I add a thin bit of lowfat cream cheese. and Tofu…