I've lost 13 pounds in the past month and a half and NO ONE ever says anything. I'm down a size, yet no one notices or says anything. Not that I expect everyone to, but I wish someone would at least notice or acknowledge it. It's so discouraging. My family is very non-supportive as well. Anytime I tell my mom my progress,…
So tomorrow is my big 3-0! Plus it's my "golden birthday"! Turning 30 on the 30th! Tonight is my party/outing and I'd certainly like to have a couple drinks! :drinker: I know none of it can be good for your diet, but come on! I'M TURNING 30! :laugh: Anyone have any suggestions besides lite beers? I'm normally a Smirnoff…
I'm just wondering if anyone here has conceived while they were trying to lose weight? My husband and I are trying to conceive again, yet I'm also trying to get in shape and lose weight. Was just wondering if it's feasable to be able to maintain weight and get in shape while pregnant? Has anyone else been through this??
SOOO-I need all the support I can get! My husband and I lost our baby(stillbirth) in December. Sadly enough, I'd put on 20 pounds from the pregnancy and I'm still trying to lose it, UGH! I'm finally in the mindset to get in shape and stay there! I've hardly ever exercised in my life! Three weeks ago, I started working out…