Hello Everyone, I was just wondering if it was so bad if i'm not meeting the 1200 calorie intake minimal. For example, I slept in till about 1:00 PM yesterday and only had like...626 calories clocked in for the day. The official start was yesterday so i'm really counting the calories and what-not now. :D Working extremely…
Hello Everyone, I'm new to the community and i'll be honest...i'm at a complete loss as to how to really go about "Exercising". My doctor had actually said that I should stray away from much physical activity...due to the weight I will be putting on my joints. :/ I don't really feel pain with anything unless I do something…
Hello Everyone! I'm new to the community and am in desperate need of your help... :'( I really need to make this change, but I have absolutely no idea how to go about doing it... I am completely changing my way of eating...but i'm not sure if i'm even going about it right. What should I eat? What should I not eat? How…
Hello everyone... This has always been a touchy subject for me, and this is actually extremely hard for me to talk about. But, I cannot deny it anymore. I need help. Badly. All of my life, I have been a thick...or, fat...girl. Believe it or not, I never got made fun of. Poked at. Nothing. I was actually popular and desired…