Probably a re-post, but has anyone here tired the squat challenge? How were your results?
We have a wood wall that has a gloss seal/paint coat over it. Someone put a sticker on said wall, and when we removed it some of the gloss coating got taken off as well. How can I repair this? Is it even possible? It's not that big of an area. Help!
Anyone do this? Pros/cons? How do you like it/enjoy it? I'm considering joining a studio near me... kind of want outside opinions on it! :)
Hey everyone! I'm vegan and Macrobiotic... anyone else? I guess I am having an issue with how many calories I should be intaking? I'm currently 5'7" 102lbs, age 24 My goal is to primarily tone up! I used to be on the go constantly at my old job (I was a chef), but now I am working a typical 7 to 6 monday through friday…