Raspberry Cupcakes 57kcals per cake :)
Raspberry cupcakes :) 57kcals a cupcake...here's the recipe: 30g demerara sugar unrefined 30g plain flour 30g low fat cooking spread 1 egg 3 drops of vanilla essense 20 raspberries Sieve flour into a bowl with all ingredients except raspberries. Whisk until a silky batter is formed. Add 2 heaped tsps of the mixture to each…
Is it greed or is it genetics? Why are you fat?
I've just watched the programme 'Half Ton Man' and the bloke insists that it wasn't greed that drove him to eat it was genetics. For those science geeks I know all about the hormone Leptin and it's effects of the body but I just wanted to know everyone else's opinion - why do you think you became overweight? I am not…
Feeling hungry at work, feeling hungry at night
I tend to 'feel' hungry in the evening and I would always save my calories for the evening to compensate for it. But this would make me feel tired during the day because I hadn't ate enough. So I've now changed it so I eat more at breakfast and lunch, eating a smaller dinner. This worked really well during the day because…
Try something new, revamp your diet!
Hi guys, I've started a blog about the diet I'm following (and designed myself) it will be live on 30th September if anyone is interested. The diet is basically based around having reserve calories you can save weekly (not any longer, because that would defeat the object!) for events, drinking, time of the month or…
Saving up calories - what are your thoughts?
I love real ale. It is beautiful and delicious a drink of the Gods yada yada. When I go out I like to drink a few real ales (1/2 pints because I'm a lady). I was just wondering, say I go out on the razz (that's not prostitution for those who don't know haha) and I want to have more than my daily (although I don't always…
Friend me, motivated, fun, WILL ALWAYS LOG!
I've been logging in a notebook for almost a year now, do it every day without fail. I thought it would be better to log online as it automatically does it, I can watch my sat-fat and sugar intake too, just been doing the calories so far. Anyway, just a bit about me; I'm a teacher so I instantly NEED biscuits. I get home…