I'm back in school full time and the trickiest thing I'm navigating is eating well when I'm at class all day and basically limited to whatever I can store in my backpack. Carrying an icepack around (and a giant lunch box) doesn't appeal. Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm on campus from 8am - 4pm and I need some healthy brainfood.…
I'm 5'11" and only recognized the need to maintain an active lifestyle late in my twenties. The problem with discovering this so late is that finding your athletic niche later in life is tricky! Further, you're a little more inclined to get yourself injured. I did yoga but after a few years became bored with it. I had a…
I came down with strep throat immediately after an 11 mile run last Saturday. My training plane had me doing three short runs this week and another 11 miler -- I've been in bed for all of it. My training plan has me scheduled to taper (6 short runs until the half) from now until the half on July 8. Any recommendations on…
Ive gotten myself into a bad loop where I'm basically overdosing on refined sugars, feel guilty, quit for a few days, and binge again. Anybody else have this problem? Have any tips for overcoming it?
Something that makes me a little crazy is have to resort to store-bought, preservative-laden, weird corn syrupy stuff for bread that's low cal or low carb or high in protein. And it gets pricey. And not all that delicious. Anybody out there have a great recipe they want to share with the world? Or are y'all in the same…
I started this 10-week interval program yesterday after completing their 10 week First Day to 5k series last week. http://www.djsteveboy.com/fw210k.html A little different from the C25k/B210k programs in that they're longer series, but the mixes with interval "alarms" works really well for me and they sync up so nicely…